Thursday, 7 April 2011

Evaluation question 7

As you see i did a little poster thing which shows how i have improved with doing this project. The picture on the left our in relevant to the writing on the right and it all fits in. I wanted to do something different again as i wanted to make my evaluation different to anyone else's therefore made a sort of magazine page for this section of the evaluation enjoy :)

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Evaluation question 6

This is the poster i made i included all the things i used via the p.c; i didn't include the internet as i showed the internet when i took a picture of the computer. The computer is highlighted black as it is the key point and everything around it is from that. all the relevant information is on the poster hope you enjoy :).

Monday, 4 April 2011

Evaluation 5

I did this in a sort of mini poster sort of idea. I cut out all the key parts of the magazine and out them in the top right corner and then explained everything on the page.  Hope you enjoy :) x

Sunday, 3 April 2011

Evaluation question 4

I did not draw a photo of my target audience i wanted to be more creative with this task therefore i made myself on photo shop as a cartoon with what my target audience would look like. As you see he is typically black as what most hip-hop culture target audience stereotype audience member looks like therefore i followed this rule. His hood up to give him that hip-hop feel as every hip-hop artist has 'swagga' and the hood represents that. He has a Adidas hoody on showing he shops in sports shops but at the same time he has a polo on underneath which shows he has some rich smart style as well; reflexes on 2 sides of a hip-hop artist 1 side which is the polo is outside him performing and the hoody is what he is like when performing if you understand me. As you see no pose on the shot showing again the hip-hop culture of serious giving the 'hard' act which most hip-hop artist have to give them a better look. This is typically what my target audience would look like and as i have explained above all of these factors will make them come and buy my magazine as they enjoy what hip-hop represents and hip-hop music. I focused on the way he looked and the clothes he was wearing the most as hip-hop is all about fashion and the way you look therefore i thought it was key to have in my picture of my target audience. Overall im happy with what i produced as it was creative and different to what any other person would do therefore i stand out making my work unique which i always love to do. 

Friday, 1 April 2011

Evaluation question 3

I choice to do a video for this evaluation section as i did not just want to do a voice over; i wanted to show me and show the marker how passionate i am for this type of music. I also didn't want it to be a boring voice over with nothing to watch i wanted something better therefore i choice to do a video of me explaining therefore using a different technology within my evaluation. Also i did not want to just follow what everyone else will be doing for this task i wanted to be different therefore making me unique.