Monday, 7 February 2011

Analysis Institutions Who Will Publish My Magazine

There's a wide market for hip-hop magazines but there are some main ones which take over the whole hip-hop scene. The biggest ones are:


As you see this is the vibe magazine its very big in the hip-hop magazine market and is very popular with people who like to read and enjoy this type of music. If we wanted to get our magazine out there in this type of difficult market we would have to create a magazine which has better story's and looks overall better we should have a good shot in the market. We could write to them to see if they would publish are magazine and join together that is another idea.


Again this is big in the market for hip-hop music. Again if i wanted to join them and ask if they will be a institution which will produce my magazine and they agree it would allow me to have more contacts within the business but on a serious note i don't think they would agree to it due to the competition it may cause against there own business.

With trying to find a institution who will produce my magazine it will be very hard as a new up coming magazine is very hard to get on the market as people are so use to buying there normal vile or source therefore trying to make them come out of there normal routine is hard. Therefore with getting some to publish your magazine i believe with this you should publish it yourself and be your on institution this allows you to keep all the shares of the business and still be your own boss. Also it eliminates any problems of conflict which my of came about if you allowed someone else to publish the magazine. This overall in my view saves a lot of problems.

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