Tuesday 1 March 2011

casting pictures used within the content page

i had to get 2 pictures for my content page idea; 1 of my mates dj's so i used him djing as 1 of my photo which i took at 1 of his events as the magazine is about music therefore following the theme of the magazine. Also my other mate has the style of the hip-hop look which looks good and i thought it would be effective so i  took a picture of him as well again following the whole theme of the other pages. I used both these pictures in the content page which made it in my view look more professional and better overall. ( i took both these photos myself with my blackberry)

Wilko's (dj) picture

As you see this is a picture of my mate djing; i thought this would be effective because it looks professional and shows the amount of effort i put into thinking about the picture layout etc. Also as we are seeing there are more songs now with rap over dance so i wanted to show that hip-hop culture is bringing in different types therefore showing the variation. To take this shot i had to go to 1 of his events he played at and take a in action shot of him djing with my blackberry.

Zak's photo

I needed a picture of a R&B looking singer and as my mate looks the part of the hip-hop culture i choice him to be on it. I told him to dress stylish so it suited the rich and famous money context which i wanted to have present at some point in the magazine. His skin colour is brown therefore it suits the magazine a lot better as in hip-hop most of the famous singer/rapper are of a ethnic background. I wanted to make him look serious so it does not get the effect of cheesy over to the audience; i wanted it to look professional and overall good therefore i made him do a normal pose. 

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