Saturday 19 March 2011

Final Content Page

Most the writting explaining why i have done this page is the same as the draft as i have not changed much from the draft to the final therefore if you think your reading over the same thing again it is due to the fact it is the same reasons :)

This is the final design for my content page. I wanted to make it look professional overall thats why i put a lot of thought into it. I started at the top and as i have said before there is a logo on every page therefore i kept this theme and stuck it at the top left corner; i put this there so its out the way but the audience still look at it. I put the title of the page next to it which stands out in white; i did this because in every magazine the title is the first thing the audience looks at therefore i learnt from the skills of the professional and decided to do what they do. I put it in white as well which was on a black background to give it the most effective eye catching effective while it still looks professional. I put the date of the magazine realize at the top; this is for the collectors of the magazine as this magazine would be only realize once a month; therefore i'm looking out for every single sort of target seller we can. I put the date in the top right corner out the way but still in a place the audience look; i did this because stereotypically a date goes in a corner and it is normally right therefore i followed the crowd and putting it in that corner avoids confusion with the audience if they wonder why the date is in a invalid place. I made the top titles in a box to separate it from the other key information; also how it is at the top it shows its relevance of being read first and showing its importance just by it being separate from the other date therefore making it more effective. The content boxes on the left of the content page was a choice which was made by my good mate 'Jordan Tibbles'; as i was round his and designing it he thought of this idea and when i did it i believed it was very effective and looks professional. I made the titles over the boxes which held the information separate again i did this for the reason i have already said above to allow the audience more understanding therefore pointing out what that section is about before they get confused etc. I wanted the content to not be boring at all therefore i decided to enter some pictures which i planned on taking; i had the DJ picture at the top due to the fact it in my view is more effective to the modern age. As we know there is music nowadays upcoming which have dance music over rap and it is gets very big in the UK therefore i added this picture to show the upcoming hip-hop culture. I needed another picture in this to make it be even more effective but i wanted a picture which is the current/old hip-hop theme therefore i got my make Zak to dress up hip-hop style/r&b and took a picture of him; i love this picture as the pose he has done makes him look really cool this is what being famous is all about therefore giving it that professional feel even further. I choice black writting for all the main text as it is simple and easy to read; also i did not want too much colour on the content therefore keeping it simple for the information was the best choice in my view. I love how i made some of the more important bits in the text/numbers bigger then the less important therefore making the audience read them bits first again making sure they do not get confused with what they are reading.

As i have explained in the draft section of this magazine i was not happy with the yellow colour all over some sections of the page and it was all over the most important section of the page. Therefore i sat down with a few of my friends and discussed and tried a few different colours which i thought could have that perfect effect i was searching for. After a while i found the colour which i loved and the other colours within the page complemented that colour; i choice pinky red which again made everything look so much better; also i totally forgot about the theme i had to keep as red and black whats on every other page i had to change it to something which will go and keep the house theme. This was the only thing i changed from the draft to the final as i worked so hard to make the draft as good as i can it gave me little i could improve on to make it better.

Overall i'm very happy with what i made for my final content page. I believe it is 1 of the best pages i created for the magazine as it looks professional and overall amazing. I did this page to the best standard i could and i am very happy with what i produced :).

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