Friday 11 March 2011

self Assessment Of My Drafts

My drafts were good but were still not up to the standard i wanted them to be; the fonts and some layout on them i needed to change and mix them round. The front cover draft was very good in my view but my fonts didn't go with my background and there were certain things i needed to mix round to make it look better and overall more effective. There was not that much i needed to change from the draft to the final as i did it to a high standard anyway so i was very happy with my front cover draft. My content page again i made sure it was done to a high standard from the start; i loved my content page draft as i thought it looked professionally made and effective. I do have some changes for it though as i didn't like my font that much so i will change my font and mess around with a few features on photoshop to give it that better look overall. My double page spread draft i wanted to keep simple and just concentrate on letting the audience read the article; i did not like the red writting i used on my draft as it conflicted with the background therefore it needs to be changes; i am not to sure about the title colour but not yet decided if i will change that or not yet but overall very happy with what i produced for my double page spread. Overall i'm happy with all my drafts as i did them to the standard i wanted and they look in my view professionally made therefore effective to attract my target audience.

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