Monday 21 March 2011

Final Double Page Spread

Most the writting explaining why i have done this page is the same as the draft as i have not changed much from the draft to the final therefore if you think your reading over the same thing again it is due to the fact it is the same reasons :)

This was my final double page spread for my magazine. I designed it so it is simple and easy to read therefore the audience can read the important information easily and simply. Firstly i put the title at the top of the page so the audience new what the page was about from the start; this avoiding confusion and made it easier for them to understand. I also made it stand out more then anything else on the page to make them look at that first so again they new what the page was about; i followed the typical use of titles on this page as i wanted to make it look as professional as possible therefore followed the crowd with this part of the magazine. With the background again i wanted it to show the emotion of the interview in pictures and not in a background colour that is why i kept the background just 1 big imagine on each page which was turned into black and white to give it that emotional, sad aspect to the pages. The left picture on these pages had no emotion in his face; this was purposely done to show again that he is not happy and sad about what is going on in his life. The right picture shows the audience that he is trying to hide his emotions from people due to him being famous etc but now as he has only 1 hand over his face he is letting some emotion out with telling the audience what is happening but still is not letting completely all his emotion out; very cleaver picture when you look at it in the view i have just explained. Finally the writting colour use on this page i chose to make it simple to define the difference between the interviewer and the famous 'grim' therefore i choice black for the interviewer; i choice this colour for him as it is a very common colour used and as he is the least important person on this page i wanted to give him a dull and simple colour and give 'grim' a bright colour which stands out. I choice red for the colour writting which 'grim' answers will be in as like i have said above i wanted the audience to see a different between his writting and the interviews therefore as colour writting stands out more it shows that his writting is more important overall then the other bit of writting; also this kept to the theme of the magazine all the way through as these colours were used on the rest of the pages therefore making it more professional with a house theme all the way through. I took away writting from the bottom which was on the draft as there was too much writting on the page this was reflected back by the feedback i got given by my mate when he reviewed my draft. To change the boring look of the magazine i decided to insert my logo which i made for the magazine this was inserted at the bottom and again followed the red and black theme with it; this was good because the logo is on every page of my magazine this again links all the pages together about and makes the theme look more obvious therefore making it look more professional. I wanted a logo on every page therefore it followed my end user requirements and made me happier with its outcome. 

Overall i am happy with my double page spread; i don't think it is as good or effective as my front page or contents as in my view they were amazing. But still this is done to a high standard and a very good job has been done to make this very happy :). 

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