Friday 7 January 2011

Double Page Spread Analysis For Magazine

This is a professional made double page spread in a magazine as you see it it up to a very high standard. The main key features you have to look out for and make sure there up to a high standard are:

  • Picture
  • Fonts
  • Colours
  • Writting 
  • Background
The picture on this double page spread is very good as he is dressed liked a hip-hop artist therefore staying with the magazines theme; this is good because it is a hip-hop magazine so everything within it has to be seemed as a hip-hop style; for example you would not see a male model in this magazine as it would take it out of theme and the target audience would not like that. Its a simple picture of the artist therefore avoiding having to edit certain things within the picture and they have just left it simple which i like as simple is sometimes better. 

The fonts within the double page spread are perfect in my view; they have made it easy to read, easy to understand. There change in fonts sometimes within the interview makes it look professional and stands out also takes away the boring factor as they are changing around the fonts to make it look more funky. The title font is very simple but stands out really well; this tells the audience who is getting interviewed straight away avoiding confusion with the audience etc. 

The use of colours in this double page spread is good but they have not used a variation of colours but with how they have laid it out and how the picture is it does not need loads of colours to be effective. They have used good use of colours on the text as it shows clearly the questions which have been asked in red and the answers in white making it easier for the audience to know which is different between question and answer; this is a great idea and also takes away it being boring just plain black text adding colour to it. It used this black, white and red theme all the way through this double page spread making it have a theme through out which makes it more professional. 

The writting is perfect in this text; it makes sense and is written to perfection so i cant say anything bad about it. But it is a professional magazine so you cant expect anything less then perfect English on the pages. 

The background to this double page spread is really simple it is just white for both pages; as it sounds really boring it actually looks quite effective and allows the audience to just focus on the writting which is on the page. It is effective but it is not my type of background at all i would prefer it to be colourful and to not be as boring and simple; but it does its job effectively and overall looks very good.

I would rate this double page spread 7/10.

This is a professional made double page spread in a magazine as you see it it up to a very high standard. The main key features you have to look out for and make sure there up to a high standard are:

  • Picture
  • Fonts
  • Colours
  • Writting 
  • Background
The picture on this double page spread is very sexy it draws the lads eyes to it straight away which is good because they already love the magazine; hip-hop has a biggest male audience then female by far therefore this is perfect start for the double page spread. I like what she is wearing and how it still has that feel of hip-hop culture in it. I love it how there are mini pictures of her at the top all along the row with different poses make the magazine look original which i love. The pictures are perfect and they go amazing with everything on the double page spread.

The fonts within this double page spread are good as they are easy to read and understand. The different font from titles and little texts next to the main picture is good because it takes over that boring factor if it just had all the same colour writting all the way thought. 

The colours within the double page spread is ok but they have not used that many colours at all. The only things which are in colour on the double page spread are some letters which are in blue and the main picture; i love magazines to be colourful as i believe being black and white is boring and to simple. But with this double page spread they have been able to pull it of and still make it look very effective and good; i think this is due to how good the picture is and how good there idea of having loads of her in the background with different poses that makes the double page spread amazing in my view. 

The writting is perfect in this text; it makes sense and is written to perfection so i cant say anything bad about it. But it is a professional magazine so you cant expect anything less then perfect English on the pages. 

The background simply white but they have added things onto it which have made the background look very good; they have put a sort of boarder across the page which cuts of the writting from the pictures of her. I like this idea as they are splitting the text from the pictures but they still look involved therefore the pictures don't just take over the pages. The background to is simple but has done its job of looking professional therefore its a job well done for that choice of putting a simple background.

I would rate the double spread page 8/10 :)

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