Sunday 2 January 2011

Content Page Analysis

This is a magazine content page from the big magazine company 'vibe' these are a very big company and as you see do there magazines to a very high standard. The 5 main things a content page is about are:

  • Use of Colours
  • Fonts
  • Picture
  • Background
  • Writting
The use of Colours within this content page is very simple but very effective. It is in black and white most of it but there is 1 thing on the whole page which is in colour and that is the rose on Kanye West chest; this is good because it shows maybe this magazine will be emotional as the picture of Kanye West on the content page looks very emotion; it just tells the audience with the use of colour what the magazine is going to bring. I do love the use of colours on this content page which for me is strange as i normally like very colourful things but with this it just gives it the feel of how emotional it is probably going to be and it tops it of with a amazing image on it absolutely perfect.

The use of fonts within this content page is not the best in my view; they chose a different font which looks very hard to read they did this to make it different to just normal plain font but to me it has backfired as it struggle to read that sort of writing. Also i believe they should of made the writing a bit bigger as again i think the audience will struggle to read it. I do like the mini titles they have got on the content though due to the fact it is to a big size and simple to read therefore fulfilling its goal. I do love the font of the main title at the top though as it stands out and is totally easy to read. The title is different as it goes down the page every 2-4 letters of the word therefore making it look totally original  but different in a very good way. 

The picture which has been used for this content page is amazing in my view in shows so much emotion in just 1 shot. I like the way it has a girls hand coming over his chest again making it original and different but adding this sad emotion to it even further. I like the way they dressed him in this picture as he looks smart but at the same time quite fashionable also he still has that feel of being hip-hop. The rose on his chest which is the only thing on the magazine which has colour is very strange as it makes the audience wonder why is that the only thing red making them read on because it has to be symbolic to something in the magazine, it also adds emotion again to the picture as red is symbolic to love but at the same time symbolic to blood which is pain. His facial expressions has sort of no emotion at all which allows the audience to widen there thinking, it is a clever idea as it does not allow them to know what will be in the magazine; no emotion meaning go on read on and find out what it is all about very very effective. 

The background to this magazine basically is staying to the black and white concept to make it carry on with the whole theme of this page. I do like the background as it does not effect what you can read as the background compliments the text therefore allowing the audience to easily read the text within the contents. I do like the little grey sort of 'v' in the right corner of the background; this is very good as just with a simple change of colour within the background it has filled up a space on the page leaving no serious open blank spots. If you look at it and imagine it without that blue bit in the background you will see what i mean as without that the right corner will just look empty which is not what a magazine wants at all.

The writting within the content is easy to understand, makes perfect sense and is written to a very high standard which is what is needed for a magazine; i have no floors with the writting at all it is written to perfection which adds that professional tone to it overall.

Overall i will give this content page 9/10.

Again this is a magazine content page from the big magazine company 'vibe' these are a very big company and as you see do there magazines to a very high standard. The 5 main things a content page is about are:

  • Use of Colours
  • Fonts
  • Picture
  • Background
  • Writting
The use of colours on this content page is exactly how it was on the other content page i just analysed. It sticks to a simple black and white concept which adds the hip-hop culture into it. I like the way they have kept it simple but it still looks amazing; the black and white feel i enjoy as again the picture reflex s this black and white feeling, and if it was in colour i don't think it would have the same effect. The colour choice in my view was very effective and i would not chance it if i could.

The use of fonts in this content page is very good as they have chosen fonts which are easy and to read therefore avoiding confusion within the audience. The font for the middle titles at the top are very good as it shows there different to the little writting underneath and showing they have to read the bigger and different font before they try to read the other writing. All the fonts are easy to read. I do love the font of the main title at the top though as it stands out and is totally easy to read. The title is different as it goes down the page every 2-4 letters of the word therefore making it look totally original  but different in a very good way.

The picture is very hip-hop related on the content page; the picture has the feel of a poor area where these guys live but they love there music and want to make it famous which is there goal; that is quite a lot of big hip-hop artist life's well how they did live, hardly any of the hip-hop artist came from a good background most came from a rough background with a bad family that is why they love to have 'swagga'; because it is a dog eat dog world and if you come across weak you will be eaten first. It has the feel of the hip-hop background as he has got 'bling' adding that hip-hop sense to the picture. Also the fashion they are all wearing is mainly from a hip-hop culture again adding that feel of hip-hop to it further. The background looks very poor and it just shows what some hip-hop artist came from and shows you that you don't need to have a good lifestyle to make it famous you can become famous from anywhere.

The background looks very poor and it just shows what some hip-hop artist came from and shows you that you don't need to have a good lifestyle to make it famous you can become famous from anywhere.The background to me just shows hope that if you want something so much you can get it no matter what lifestyle you lend it is very effective as it keeps to the genre of the magazine and also if you look deep into it gives you a message. 

The writting within the content page is easy and simple to read. The English in it is perfect and you would not expect anything less from a professional magazine company. I have no floors about the writting at all it was perfect so i cant say anything else about it.

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