Monday 10 January 2011

Front Cover Font Analysis

This is a rap-up magazine and i am going to analysis the fonts on this magazine cover. I will start with the big 't.i' in the corner; i love how it stands out from mostly every other font on the page, this is good because the artist name is what attracts the audience to come and read the magazine and with the font they have used it has made it stand out like crazy which is perfect for attracting there target audience. Below the 't.i.' on the magazine front cover it has a quote from him which is in write writing and a easy to read font with the last world in capitals; again this is good because it does not mix up or contract with the font above it, also it stands out again but not as much as the artist therefore they look at the artist name before they look at the quote which will avoid confusion. This is surrounded in a pink outline which adds even more attention to it; this is of course the main story in the magazine or they would not put this much attention in making it stand out.  At the bottom right there is a font which has black writing in it and a white outline this is a good font as it is different to the rest of the writing therefore making the magazine have variation of different fonts all over the magazine making it more interesting and better looking. Above that it has a title and writing underneath it which shows clearly the difference between the title and the underneath writting as the font they have chosen 1 stands out more then the other 1 therefore they have done that very well. Finally the main title at the top the font stands out over anything as it is bold black and is the first thing the audience should see therefore it should stand out from every other font which is on the magazine front cover. Overall the use of fonts they have used on this front cover is up to a normal standard; they could of used a bit more less boring fonts on it and also more different colours into it then in my view it would look better. I would rate this magazine on its fonts 7/10.

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