Friday 28 January 2011

Content Page Font Analysis

The fonts on this content page are simple but again there effective as they make the contents easy to read and also look good/ professional. The title of the contents at the top right is in a big white font to make it stand out from every other text on the page due to the fact the reader needs to know what the page is before they read the main text explaining where everything is within the magazine. The vibe font on the top right corner is pretty cool as it is totally different to the content writing within the page therefore showing its just a logo and nothing to do with the content information. The little headers which are down the right of the page which tell the reader what the writing underneath that is about, it is done in a sort of italic look and is bigger then the writing again to make sure they don't get confused about what that information is about therefore we have a title which stands out to avoid this confusion. As you see the fonts vary when going on the information on the left as some bits are whiter and stand out more then some bits; this shows the important information they should read but make sure they take note of it; these words are whiter and stand out more then the normal text to show the difference. The rest of the test is in a normal easy to read font with no special colours or fonts inserted into it; this is good because if a content page has too many different fonts within the page it starts to get confusion for the reader therefore having the last relelvant text in a normal text it allows the problem not to happen. I would rate this content page font styles 9/10.

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