Saturday 15 January 2011

Cover Analysis Language Register

Language is very important when doing a front cover of a magazine you have got to know what words to pick out and what words to take out of a sentence so its short and snappy. As you see on here the title 'Rick Ross who's the boss?' that is very short and snappy but very effective as if you think about it in 6 words that sentence will attract; Rick Ross fans, people who want to know who the boss is, people who are interested etc, 1 sentence has attracted a wide range of audience. As you see at the bottom right there is the line that says 'temperature rising' again attracting audience to want to read the magazine and see what they mean by the temperature rising therefore the language again has got them more customers. This magazine has not got the best language on it as if you look at it the fonts they have used classes with the picture and background making it hard to read therefore the audience not bother reading the titles. If you read every bit of information on the front cover and count how many words are on it there are 44 on this magazine and you can see how full it is; with these 44 words you have to pick the best words out and put them on it you need snappy sentences. Overall this magazine has done a avenge job on using good language on there front cover if i could improve it i would change the font colours so you can read it easily and take less words out of it keeping it simple. I would rate this 6/10 for its language use :)

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