Tuesday 11 January 2011

Front Cover Colour Pattern Analysis

The colour pattern on this front cover magazine has stayed to a theme of black, white and yellow which it pulls of very well. As you see the background is black which when the yellow and write writing go over it the colours go very well together and they look very effective. Its good how they put a simple background as it goes while with the image of  Drake as he is dressed in all black; this is good because it is following the theme   of the magazine. I love the yellow mixed colours on the magazine as yellow looks so good on a black background and it compliments all the writing as well. The title looks good in white as it stands out and the audience look at it first before anything therefore knowing who made the magazine etc. The colour balance they have done on this magazine is perfect as it has not got too much colour and it has not got too little they have chosen the colours perfectly. I would give this magazine front cover for its colour pattern on it 10/10.

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