Monday 31 January 2011

Content Language Analysis

The language on this content is written to a high standard and in proper understandable high quaility english. As you see the titles stand out from trhe normal text therefore showing its more relevant to read that first making it easier for the audience to understand the language in the content. The language is set out easily and simple to read which also makes it a lot easier for the audience to read the information. The language on the content tells the audience clearly what every page has got on it therefore making it easier for them to navigate round the magazine. Also within the text which is written they have made certain bits bold these are the most important words which the reader needs to focus on. The language is written simply but in a way which explains where everything is on the magazine therefore making it overall better as it is doing the job the content page needs to do. Overall I will give the language on this content page 8/10.

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