Friday 4 February 2011

Title Examples And Final Title Name

I was thinking to myself about what the magazine name could be as it is a very important factor in the whole project as that title has to tell the audience it is a hip-hop magazine as well as being effective and a good name. I asked a few of my mates and we came up with a choice of 5 names:

-Say no more

I thought long and hard about these name choices and i started to eliminate them 1 by 1; first of i eliminated 'Say no more' as in my view it was to long to have as a title on the magazine due to the fact titles of magazine are normal short and easy to read therefore catching the audience attention better. I then thought about 'observation' and decided that name was invalid to what i was doing as it sounds more like a house magazine etc then a hip-hop magazine therefore i decided to get rid of that idea from the name choices. I then thought about the title 'swag' i did like this name but i just thought it sounded about 'chavy' and would not draw some of are target audience to come read it therefore i decided to get rid of that name as well. So i was down to the last 2 names and thinking straight i did not want a average normal name i wanted a name which was different therefore not simple; so i picked 'Musik' to be my title name as it is different and it catches the audience eye as it is not spelt normally therefore making them come read it; It also is good because it can attract any type of music listener over as it does not just make the magazine sound like its focused on just hip-hop therefore it could attract audience members which are not even our target audience/market therefore making it overall much better.

I'm very happy with my title name and made sure i researched the names before i just jumped straight into naming it therefore it shows i planned it all and took my time.

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