Wednesday 2 February 2011

Final Title Logo For My Magazine

This is the logo of the title which will be on the magazine front cover. I chose to make it different so it made it stand out from all the other hip-hop magazine; the logo is set out so it catches the audience eyes with the different colours i inserted into it. I did this on photoshop which made it easy for me as when your use to that software it is easy and simple to use. I have the issue number above the 'sik' so when another issue comes out we change that number therefore if people collect the magazines they can keep them in order etc. Overall i'm very happy with my logo and it stands out, its unique and it just looks overall professional. This is good as well because the audience will remember this logo so if the magazine was good and they want the next issue they will see that logo on the next magazine and buy it due to that they remembered the logo from the front cover of the last magazine.

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