Tuesday 8 February 2011

Market Research

i researched into market research for my type of music. It seems to me that it is all about the image of the artist and if he has money, clothes, cars and gets girls he has got that perfect hip-hop culture image. To sell magazines in this genre you need to show this throughout the magazine. It always has to show the artist looking good and having that sense of 'swagga'.

I knew straight away which genre of music i wanted to do for my magazine, mainly because it’s my favorite genre, which is Hip-Hop. i had many clear ideas of what i wanted to do but all very different. I had totally different ideas therefore i needed to ask my mates, teachers and target audience to find out which was the best ideas. The target age for Hip-Hop is around 16– 25 years ago. This works out well for me as that’s my age range and all have many friends in that age range which i then asked for their thoughts about my ideas. We are aiming the magazine at 16-25 year olds who love hip-hop music, also probably most our target audience would be of a black race as there brought up to like this type of music; but on the other hand todays age everyones listens to different music therefore we live the target audience open to everyone.

i have spoken to a few friends to try and get there input but i didn’t think that would be enough so i decided that i would have to ask more people. i think it would be best to do some sort of questionnaire to find out exactly what the audience like in a video and see my ideas fit with the target audience likes. 

To advertise i thought i could put posters up of the magazine front cover each week in certain places; like bus stops etc this would be good because the target audience would see it around then when they see it in the shops  they would maybe look and buy the magazine. It would also spread the word of the magazine company name therefore giving it a good reputation which you need in this game; this allows the company name to become bigger and generate more fans. 

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