Tuesday 1 February 2011

Double Page Spread Font Analysis

I don't really like the the fonts on this double page spread at all; They have only used 2 different types of fonts and picked the worst colours for the text to have; red mixed with white on a black background is terrible and just looks horrible in my view. The font they use at the top for title looks really tacky and not up to a standard which you would think a professional magazine company would make. The font type which is used for the main writing is hard to understand due to the fact they put some in yellow some in white and it could confuse the reader. The fonts are all basically the same all the way through therefore making it boring as it just looks like loads of boring long essays which is not the effect you want on the audience; you want the effect that they want to read it and for them to enjoy wanted to read it not annoyed that they have to read it. I would give this double page spread out of 10 for its use of fonts 4/10.

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