Friday 25 February 2011

Questions I Will Use For Article

I had to choice some questions which grim would be asked in the double page spread. This questions had to be effective and be overall good. Here are the questions i have picked for the double page spread:

So Grim how’s life at the moment?

But surely being famous is good; being rich having everything you want?

Who are you aiming at that don’t leave you alone?

When you say ‘argument’s’ what do you mean I.e like who with? (question already be planned)

But surely it is not all bad being famous?

Do you also can a lot of haters in this lifestyle?

If you could change something in your life now what would it be?

These are all the questions which will be asked. I am very happy with my chose of questions they are open questions so grim can talk move about it making the magazine more interesting. 

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